Frequently asked questions

Why are the surnames old ones?
How come names vary even though people are settled in a given area or family? e.g. successive census

Why are the surnames old ones?

The basic rule is enter all names as they were at the time of birth. Where they are changed, these may be caused through emmigration, political or other reasons. Ladies who become part of the family through marriage should be entered using her maiden name, even in the case of a person who has been married before. 

The plan is to record the replacement name with the date it was adopted, so that a search will find the individual through either name.

How come names vary even though people are settled in a given area or family? e.g. successive census

This problem seems more acute in the USA. Several ideas have been muted: handwriting; or to be better assimilated.

The biggest changes happened at Immigration. It seems that the officer on duty, when faced with a long queue/line and an immigrant with little or no english had problems understanding the 'foreign' names - specially when utterred in a strange accent. Even spelling out the name has broblems from one language to another. How many ways are there to pronounce the letter i for example?

They then lost patience and entered a name that was OK for the officer. Who could blame them?